Sure, you think your dog is fast. But have you ever wondered how fast? Can your dog outrun Usain Bolt, who has been called the fastest runner in the world? He just might: Usain’s fastest time has been clocked at almost 28 mph – yet dogs have been known to reach speeds of 35-45 mph.
Well, you no longer have to wonder how fast your dog can run. FAST CAT® – which stands for Coursing Ability Test – is a timed 100-yard dash where dogs run one at a time, chasing a lure. It’s over before you know it — and it’s nothing short of awe-inspiring to watch your dog run at top speed, ears back, eyes focused, legs strong. And if your dog is really fast, you might earn bragging rights if their name makes onto AKC’s list of top 20 fastest dogs by breed!
Although it is a relatively new sport, its popularity has spread like wildfire. No wonder. According to one AKC official, “The FAST CAT® provides a terrific opportunity to introduce new participants to the world of AKC sports as one of the few events where all that is needed to compete is a dog’s natural instincts.”
Highly Accomplished Fast CAT Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
- Cherished We Are His Legacy, This Is His Legend “Solider”
- Cherished Zombies Are No Match For Agent Hudson “Hudson”
- Kismet’s Professor Marvel’s Magic Ozcar “Ozcar”
- Cherished Signs From The Mirror Of Galadriel “Tesla”
- Blackamber’s Elegance Defined “Ellie”
AKC Coursing Ability (CA)
- Double Q’s Double Olive Martini “Ollie”
- Matterhorn’s Grasshopper
- Quiet Valleys Odin’s Justice “Odin”
- Seneca’s Because Of The Wonderful Things She Does “Midge”
- Seneca’s Roman Candle Reign’s “Vesta”
- Novice Trick Dog (TKN) The dog performs 10 skills from the Novice list. (see link to “Application” below for lists of skills). If a dog has a Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certificate or title on record at AKC, it can do 5 Novice tricks (CGC + 5) to earn the Novice title.
- Intermediate Trick Dog (TKI) The dog must have the Novice title, plus perform 10 Intermediate tricks.
- Advanced Trick Dog (TKA) The dog must have the Intermediate title, plus perform 10 tricks from the Advanced list.
- Trick Dog Performer (TKP) In this title, handlers perform a short routine with at least 10 tricks previously learned.
- Trick Dog Elite Performer (TKE) Testing of this truly elite trick dog level requires the dog to perform 10 tricks with at least 5 props and there must be a story.
For more information on Trick Dog please visit AKC Website
Accomplished Trick Dog Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
AKC Trick Dog Performer (TKE)
- Silver Oak’s Far Out “Berkeley”
AKC Trick Dog Performer (TKP)
- Painted Mtn’s Mirage “Mira”
- Ramsgate’s Sparkler “Fredrick”
AKC Trick Dog Advanced (TKA)
- Almrausch Garden Of The Princess “Kaisten”
- Cherished Deb’s Perfect Pot Of Tea “Elliott”
- Cornerstone’s Quest For Whole Lotta Love “Elsa”
- Swiss Run Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee “Clay”
- Willow Ridge Matterhorn Uptown Girl “Sedona”
- Aegis Ellis Island Special “Ellie”
- Shamrock Practice What You Preach “Bulleit”
- Swiss Run’s Jamaican Me Crazy “Mon”
- Pine Grove’s The Man You Need “Collins”
- Suma’s Playboy’s Martini “Marty”
- Swiss Run Derby’s Dauntless Star “Beatrice”
- Suma’s Pursuit Of Happiness
- Swiss Run’s Burke Mountain Bandit “Bowdin”
- Swiss Run’s Fiddlehead “Fern”
- Swiss Runs Right Angle Triangle To Palisades “Wedge”
- Swiss Runs Tale As Old As Time “Belle”
- Swiss Run’s The Run For The Roses “Beulah”
- Shadetree’s Poppy Of Swallowfield “Poppy”
- Fireside’s Putting The F In U-F “Fletcher”
- Seneca’s Ivy Incident at Prism “Helix”
- Prism’s Time Paradox “Arty”
- Trout Creek’s Written Onna Star “Nash”
Your dog responds well to commands at home and in public, but how would he respond in a farm environment? There’s an easy way to find out: Sign them up for a Farm Dog Certified test.
Open to all breeds of dogs, this test involves your dog performing a series of 12 exercises that are typical for a farm environment such as being in close proximity to livestock (who are always penned to avoid any altercations); jumping and staying on hay/straw bales; walking on unusual terrain; and jumping over logs. There is no herding involved. Instead, the goal is to assess his aptitude as a working farm dog by exhibiting self-control, confidence and trust with you or his handler.
AKC believes that all dogs can be good dogs, and all owners can be great owners: all it takes is a little bit of training, lots of love, and of course, plenty of praise along the way.
That’s why they created the Canine Good Citizen™ (CGC) program: a two-part course designed to help you and your dog be the best you can be–together. Since 1989, over 1 million dogs and their owners have participated. CGC is a ten-skill training program that focuses on teaching the basics of good manners and obedience, instilling the values of responsible ownership, and strengthening the bond between you and your dog at home and out in the community.
Not only does CGC training create long-lasting trust between you and your pup, but also ensures you’ll be good neighbors and friends to everyone around you—and, if you’re interested in going beyond the basics, CGC also lays the foundation for other AKC sports and activities like obedience, agility, tracking, and performance events. MORE INFORMATION
Canine Good Citizen Titles
- Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
- Advanced Canine Good Citizen (CGCA)
- Urban Canine Good Citizen (CGCU)

Virtual Home Manners (VHM) is the answer when you want to train your dog at home. When you get a puppy or new adult dog, Virtual Home Manners can get you started on practical skills before you attend a training class.
The evaluation of a dog’s ability to perform ten home manners skills will be done by a video recording. Two levels of Home Manners will be offered – Virtual Home Manners Puppy (VHMP) and Virtual Home Manners Adult (VHMA). Dogs that pass the tests will be awarded these titles.
The Virtual Home Manners tests assess ten skills that well-mannered pet dogs need in the home setting. The skills relate to the dog owner having control over the dog, being able to walk the dog (which is one of the most frequently cited activities that owners want to do with their dogs) and developing a bond with the dog during playtime.
The Virtual Home Manners tests are evaluated online by CGC Evaluators in the same manner that is currently used for Virtual Tricks. There is not an in-person VHM testing process. Virtual Home Manners is natural lead-in for AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and Canine Good Citizen (CGC) in-person training. MORE INFORMATION
Virtual Home Manners Titles
- Virtual Home Manners Puppy (VHMP)
- Virtual Home Manners Adult (VHMA)

One of the things that makes a specific breed unique is not only the dog’s physical appearance, but each breed also has its own distinctive temperament.
The AKC Temperament Test (ATT) was developed to bring focus and provide a meaningful evaluation to assess the temperament of our canine companions.
The ATT tests how a dog reacts to a variety of stimuli. Desirable traits are that the dog will be emotionally stable, inquisitive, cooperative, appropriately social for its breed, biddable and demonstrates the ability to recover from a startling situation in a reasonable amount of time.
Undesirable traits are fear, shyness, lack of cooperation and an inability to recover from unfamiliar or unexpected situations. Examples of undesirable behaviors include being afraid of friendly strangers or unfamiliar stimuli, obsessive barking, and aggression.
In the ATT, dogs are tested in 6 categories of stimuli that include: Social, Auditory, Visual, Tactile, Proprioceptive (motion), Unexpected stimulus
American Kennel Club Temperament Test Title (ATT)