Will your dog do anything for his favorite toy? Have you watched him fearlessly dive into water – say, in a lake or pool? If so, he might love participating in one of the fastest growing sports, Diving Dogs! Almost any dog can do it, as long as he loves water, knows how to swim, and has a natural passion for retrieving.
Diving Dogs is a fun, exciting but easy to do sport with simple rules: You throw your dog’s favorite toy into a pool while he waits on a dock about 40 feet long. On your command, he runs along the dock, flings himself off the end of it, lands in the water and grabs his toy. The goal? To have the longest jump possible, which could be as short as two feet for beginners, but could be as much as 30 feet for those more experienced!
No matter how far your dog jumps, you’re guaranteed to have a blast – and you may get a little wet! Diving Dogs is a great activity to share with your best friend! Titles earned through North America Diving Dogs (NADD) will be recognized by The American Kennel Club. To apply, simply complete the Title Application.
If you choose not to report the title with AKC please complete Report a New Title to GSMDCA form online
Accomplished Dock Diving Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
Dock Diving Senior (DS)
- Cherished Nobody Doesn’t Like “Sara Lee”
- Jotunheim Blazing Agatha “Adler”
Dock Diving Novice (DN)
- Eberron Dominel Nicole “Harper”
- Fireside’s Putting The F In U-F “Fletcher”
Dock Diving Junior (DJ)
- Legacy Creek’s Work Horse “Gulliver”