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This form is only for the below club awards. If you wish to submit a nomination for Friend of the Swissy or Exemplary Junior please utilize their specific nomination forms.

  • Margaret Poole Lifetime Achievement Award—To honor from time to time a person or team demonstrating a lifetime commitment to the GSMD breed and exemplary service to the GSMDCA. Nominees must have been active members in good standing of the GSMDCA for at least 15 years.
  • Ambassador of the Breed Award—To recognize purebred Swissies demonstrating extraordinary accomplishments as working/service dogs, both perpetuating the breed’s historical purpose by example and through motivating others in the interest and pursuit of preserving the GSMDs working heritage. Nominees must be purebred GSMD.(Note: Titles may be considered but are not to define qualification for this award.)
  • AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award—To honor the individual who deserves special recognition that has made a difference in the sport of purebred dogs, embodied the AKC Code of Sportsmanship, and has been an active and valued member of the GSMDCA.

GSMDCA Annual Awards Nomination Form

The GSMDCA Board is requesting your nominations of outstanding members of the GSMDCA to be honored for the following Annual Awards. These awards are for the prior year ending December 31st and will be presented at the GSMDCA National Specialty annual awards banquet. If no qualified candidates are nominated the Board may elect not to present the award.


You may submit your nomination in text box below or upload your file documentations if you prefer.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 256 MB.
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