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The SENNtinel Advertisement

The SENNtinel is the official Tri-Annual publication of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America, Inc, with annual copy deadlines of March 1, July 1, and November 1. Advertisement is available to anyone, however, this form is for Member use only. Rates for Non-members are 2x Member prices and will need to be billed separately.

If you’re interested in having something in the SENNtinel please contact our editors, Annika Schmid & Janice Rudnick –

  • Choose Ad size (all ads are full color)
  • Ad Information

    These fields are for the information that will be used in your advertisement. Please proof VERY CAREFULLY - this information will be copied and pasted into your ad just like you enter it! If you will be designing your own artwork and submitting camera-ready artwork for your full page or cover ad...then, these fields are not required - you can directly upload your camera-ready artwork below - or email to For any other ads (meet the bachelor, brag, send a baroo, that's my baby, etc.) these fields are required.
  • Use this for 'brag' ads only and let us know what you'd like to 'brag' about! Examples include: new titles, specialty wins, high in trial, etc. Please limit your information to one line of text.
  • Please let us know any details you'd like added to your 'That's My Baby' ad. Examples include: the litter's theme, how many puppies in the litter, if this is the home's first swissy (or let us know what # swissy they're on), etc. Please limit your information to one line of text.
  • Use for 'Meet the Bachelor' ads only. Please put 'NA' for a field if the dog has not been tested for it. Please use 'normal' for any test that was passed but does not have a 'grade' associated - please list grade for any tests with a grading system.
    CHIC #HipsElbowsShouldersEyesP2Y12PatellaHeart 
  • Use for 'Meet the Bachelor' ads only. Let the girls know the best email to contact you at if they want more details on your eligible bachelor.
  • For a full page ad (cover or inside) - please upload either the finished ad in tiff, pdf, or Microsoft Publisher Format, properly sized at 8.5" x 11" - 300 dpi - CMYK. Alternatively, full page ads may be submitted in layout form (Word preferred), indicating photo placement and cropping instructions, if desired. For all other ads include one high-resolution photo (5" wide x 4 high - 300 dpi at minimum preferred) - we can crop as needed if photo is larger than this.
    Max. file size: 256 MB.
  • $0.00
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